What Are Bunions And How We Can Help

Do you have a bump at the base of your big toe? You might have a bunion. Dr. Matthew Hinderland, your Colorado Springs, CO podiatrist at Foot & Ankle Institute of Colorado shares some information on bunions and explains how they're treated.

Is it a bunion?

A bump at the base of your big toe is the most noticeable sign that you have a bunion. Without treatment, the bump will eventually become more prominent and painful. As the problem worsens, your big toe will begin to lean toward your other toes.

What are bunion symptoms?

In addition to a bump at the base of your toe, other bunion symptoms include pain, thickened skin, burning, redness and swelling over and around the bunion. If your toes overlap, you may develop corns on the overlapping areas. It may also be harder to move your toe. Wearing shoes can be particularly painful if you have a bunion.

Why did I get a bunion?

Tight and high heeled shoes can put too much pressure on the bones of your foot, leading to a misalignment of your joint. You may also be at risk of bunions if you have an inherited foot instability, arthritis or a foot deformity, or if one leg is longer than the other.

What can I do about my bunion?

Choosing shoes that are roomy enough to accommodate your bunion and applying protective pads to your toe can ease your pain, but these comfort measures won't make the bunion go away. Your foot doctor can offer several devices and treatments that can help improve your condition, including night splints to realign your toe and joint, custom shoe inserts to reposition your foot and decrease pressure on your joints. There are even exercises to improve the mobility of your toe. If your symptoms are severe, your Colorado Springs podiatrist may recommend surgery to realign your toe and remove swollen tissues.

A visit to the podiatrist can help relieve your bunion pain. Call Dr. Matthew Hinderland, your Colorado Springs, CO podiatrist at Foot & Ankle Institute of Colorado at (719) 488-4664 to schedule your appointment.

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