What are the common fractures and injuries that can still occur during the COVID-19 pandemic?

We are still seeing a lot of the common foot and ankle fractures and other injuries during this time. At Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado, we are taking many different precautions to keep you safe if you need to see us.
Some of the more common injuries and fractures that we're seeing as well as the mechanism of injury are:
- toe fractures (kicking or stubbing an object)
- metatarsal stress fractures (overuse injury such as increased running)
- Jones fracture (often from an inversion ankle injury or overuse)
- calcaneal fracture (fall from a height such as falling off a ladder)
- Lisfranc and talus fractures (often higher impact such as having your foot depressed on a brake during a motor vehicle accident)
- ankle sprains (commonly inversion type sprains where the foot twists inward and tears ligaments)
- ankle fractures (twisting injuries where the ankle rotates abnormally over the foot)
- 2nd MTP capsulitis or plantar plate tear (overuse such as increased running causing ball of the foot pain or metatarsalgia)
- plantar fascia tearing of fasciitis (heel pain from overuse or lack of supportive shoes and orthotics or arch supports)
- achilles tendon rupture or tendinitis (sprinting or jumping or starting running from static position)
If you have any of these things happen to you, please know that we are still here to treat you with the latest techniques and keep you safe and out of the hospital. Even if your fracture or injury needs surgery, we can perform this at a surgery center in most cases, to keep you completely out of the hospital. Our foot and ankle doctors, Dr. Hinderland and Dr. Cameron are both here to help you. Call our Colorado Springs podiatry office today at 719-488-4664!
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