What Could Be Causing Your Heel Pain?

How your podiatrist in Colorado Springs, CO, can help with heel pain

Heel pain can interrupt your life, making it difficult to walk, stand, or even to put on shoes. The truth is, there are many different causes of heel pain, but fortunately, there is also a number of effective treatments to address these sources of discomfort.

Here at Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado, Drs. Matthew Hinderland and Jordan Cameron offer a wide range of foot care solutions including treatment for heel pain. With convenient office locations in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO, your podiatrists are available to help you and your feet—read on to learn how!


More about Heel Pain

Heel pain can be caused by a few different issues, but some of the most common sources include:

  • A heel bruise, from stepping on sharp objects
  • A heel spur, from excess calcium deposits on your heel
  • Plantar fasciitis, a condition that is caused when the thick band of tissue running across your heel becomes inflamed

If you are suffering from heel pain, there are a few simple therapies you can try at home, including:

  • Applying ice packs to your heel several times each day
  • Taking over-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication
  • Elevating your feet to take the weight off of your heels

For stubborn heel pain that doesn’t go away with conservative therapies, you need to seek out the help of your local podiatrist. After a consultation, we can provide you with:

  • Custom-fit orthotics, to support your feet and heels
  • Physical therapy, to maintain flexibility
  • Night splints, to maintain proper foot alignment
  • Cortisone injections, to decrease swelling
  • Prescription medication, to decrease inflammation and pain
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT), for severe cases


Need Relief? Give Us a Call

Don’t let heel pain keep you from enjoying your life. You can get relief by calling Drs. Matthew Hinderland and Jordan Cameron of Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado, with offices in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO. Dial (719) 488-4664 today to get help for your feet!

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